Monday, September 3, 2012

Seeing Stars

So, when it comes to any project there are two major roadblocks, doing their best to kink up the system. The first among these being finances/constructability(I decided to make a new word today, you're welcome English language, I do what I can.) essentaily can I afford to build or make what I want to on my budget. Sadly the answer is often no (the laws of physics and gravity can also muck things up sometimes). However with a current project of mine, a businessy dress for my older sister, I have both the pattern and the fabric, I even got the pieces cut out. Problem is, that was over a year ago. This is that second road block I was talking about. I imagine I'm not the only one to shoot for the stars only to find that it's tricky and time consuming, and settle for looking at pictures of them on the internet. Well at least I hope I'm not alone.
I figure part of the reason this happens, is I have a bad habit of running 99 million projects all at the same time. If I was to list everything out and go through projects one by one, I might actually finish something one of these days. Hard to say how much it matters. roughly 50% of the fun is in the designing and buying phase, and I can't afford nice things all the time. It's mostly jsut important to keep dreaming.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Well here I am on the World Wide Interwebz! My name is Maddie, and I like to decrease world suck (all of theVlogbrothers fans DFTBA!) and I figure that the best way to decrease world suck, is to make win. But yah, essentially that's it. I want to make win in my life and essentially share all of the win I've made so more people can make more win! If all goes well the amount of win in the world will increase exponentially until the world is just bursting with all of the awesome. A good plan no? So here yah go, Enjoy!